"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Christian Preaching Focuses on Truth, Not Positivity

Focus on the Positive? by Stuart DiNenno There are some very popular reputedly Christian preachers today who constantly tell their followers that they should “focus on the positive.” It is not surprising that they don’t speak much of sin and repentance, as those things are “negative.” Of course, such a feel-good message has broad appeal … Read more

Are Today’s Jews Descendants of the Israelites?

Are Today’s Jews Descendants of the Israelites? November 22, 2023 by Stuart DiNenno Introduction Among professing Christians, it is commonly believed that the people who identify themselves as Jews today are the descendants of the Israelites. In this article I intend to demonstrate that there is no factual support for this belief. Before I proceed … Read more

Letter to a Denominational Minister

Letter to a Denominational Minister An Inquiry into the Authenticity of American Christianity by Stuart DiNenno March 29, 2023 This is a letter to Michael Spangler, who is a Christian minister ordained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) but is currently affiliated with the Cornerstone Church of Burlington, NC, which is a Presbyterian congregation of … Read more

A Conversation on Race Between Two Christians

A Conversation on Race Between Two Christians by Stuart DiNenno February 27, 2023 What follows is not an actual conversation but one that has been manufactured to best exemplify the doctrines of what is called kinism (according to my conception of it, others may differ), and to juxtapose them against the positions held by egalitarians. … Read more

Adger: Southern Slavery Was a Civilizing and Christianizing School for Negroes

Adger: Southern Slavery Was a Civilizingand Christianizing School for Negroes “Now, it is true, and will forever remain true, that our Southern slavery was just a grand civilizing and Christianizing school, providentially prepared to train thousands of negro slaves, brought hither from Africa by other people against our protest, some two hundred years ago. Never … Read more

Some Biblical Examples of Kinism

Some Biblical Examples of Kinism by Stuart DiNenno Kinism is God forcefully separating the nations into distinct ethnic groups by confusing their languages and not allowing them to blend into one nation. (Genesis 11:1-9) Kinism is the fact that every nation we see mentioned throughout the Bible consisted of people who were the offspring of … Read more