"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Hoffman: The Jewish Bolsheviks Regarded Politics as a Branch of Gentile Pest Control

Hoffman: The Jewish Bolsheviks RegardedPolitics as a Branch of Gentile Pest Control “The Jewish Bolsheviks regarded politics as a branch of Gentile pest control. Hatred of Christians, especially the “Bourgeoisie” was their prime motivation. The systematic destruction of the Christian peasantry of Russia as so many vermin, beginning with Lenin’s attack on them in the … Read more

Winslow: The Patience of God After Grace Is Greater than His Patience Before Grace

Winslow: The Patience of God After GraceIs Greater than His Patience Before Grace “Oh! the tenderness, the graciousness of the Lord’s patience with His people! How patiently he bears with their ungrateful repinings, with their secret rebellion, with their cold love, with their cruel unbelief, with their continuous and aggravated backslidings! Truly, the patience of … Read more

Basil of Caesarea on Psalmody

Basil of Caesarea on Psalmody “Psalmody is the Church’s voice. From hence may not everything be acquired? …Is there a blessing to be named which here resides not? The splendors of theology beam refulgent; Jesus is predicted; the resurrection is announced; judgment is proclaimed; the sword of vengeance is unsheathed; crowns of glory glitter; speakless … Read more

Chrysostom on the Sin of the Sodomites

Chrysostom on the Sin of the Sodomites “For even if there were no hell, and no punishment had been threatened, this were worse than any punishment. Yet if you say “they found pleasure in it,” you tell me what adds to the vengeance. For suppose I were to see a person running naked, with his … Read more