Calvin: A Prayer for Holiness
“Now let us kneel down in the presence of our good God, with acknowledgement of the great number of faults and offenses that we cease not to commit daily against His majesty, praying Him to make us feel them better than we have, so that we may endeavor to amend them more and more until we are clean rid of them; and since we obtain pardon for them by our Lord Jesus Christ, we may also increase and be confirmed in all righteousness and holiness, that so we may indeed confirm our calling. And let us pray Him that since He has chosen us for His people, it may please Him also to withdraw us from all the defilements of the world, so that we may be to Him a holy people in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And let us pray that it may please Him to grant this grace not only to us but also to all people and nations of the earth.”
— John Calvin