"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

“Social Justice” vs. Biblical Justice

by Stuart DiNenno

“Social justice” has egalitarian presuppositions incompatible with biblical justice. The “social justice” gospel — which is really Communist dogma masquerading as Christian doctrine — advocates the leveling of humanity and the equalization of God’s gifts, and its proponents seek to institute laws which serve to do this without regard to the disparities among men, and groups of men, created by inherent natural inequalities. But biblical justice exalts the righteous over the unrighteous, not only on an individual basis but even on a national one, and is designed to advance the kingdom of God to the detriment of the ungodly. Furthermore, the Bible plainly teaches that God distributes His gifts to men unequally, even, in some cases, giving more to the “haves” and taking from the “have-nots” the little that they possess, and therefore any system which tries to create a forced equality, and endeavors to eliminate or ignore natural boundaries and limitations must necessarily be anti-Christian.

God’s law results in curses for disobedience and blessings for obedience, and we advance His kingdom when we reward the righteous and punish the unrighteous. Of course, righteousness is defined as obedience to God’s law, which is contrary to the unregenerate mind, and so that law will always favor the godly over the ungodly. Combine this with our command to show preference to brothers and sisters in the faith, and we have a biblical justice system which effectuates the advancement of the elect over, and even at the expense of, the non-elect. This is fundamentally anti-egalitarian and differs radically from “social justice” which sees selective blessing and cursing as problematic and unjust. The “social justice” view of morality does not allow for the just suffering of the wicked and the taking of dominion over them by the godly, and is, therefore, in opposition to true biblical Christianity.

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