"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

The Miracles of Jesus Christ in Chronological Order

By David Brown
From the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary (1871)

Water made wine Cana Joh 2:1-11
Traders cast out out of the temple Jerusalem Joh 2:13-17
Nobleman’s son healed Cana Joh 4:46-54
First miraculous draught of fishes Sea of Galilee Lu 5:1-11
Leper healed Capernaum Mt 8:2-4; Mr 1:40-45; Lu 5:12-15
Centurion’s servant healed Capernaum Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10
Widow’s son raised to life Nain Lu 7:11-17
Demoniac healed Capernaum Mr 1:21-28; Lu 4:31-37
Peter’s mother-in-law healed Capernaum Mt 8:14-15
Paralytic healed Capernaum Mt 9:2-8; Mr 2:1-12; Lu 5:17-26
Impotent man healed Jerusalem Joh 5:1-16
Man with withered hand healed Galilee Mt 12:10-14; Mr 3:1-6; Lu 6:6-11
Blind and mute demoniac healed Galilee Mt 12:22-24; Lu 11:14
Tempest stilled Sea of Galilee Mt 8:23-27; Mr 4:35-41; Lu 8:22-25
Demoniacs dispossessed Gadara Mt 8:28-34; Mr 5:1-20
Jairus’ daughter raised to life Capernaum Mt 9:18-26; Mr 5:22-24; Lu 8:41-56
Issue of blood healed Near Capernaum Mt 9:18-26; Mr 5:22-24; Lu 8:41-56
Two blind men restored to sight Capernaum Mt 9:27-31
Mute demoniac healed Capernaum Mt 9:32-34
Five thousand fed Decapolis Mt 14:13-21; Mr 6:31-44; Lu 9:10-17; Joh 6:5-14
Jesus walks on the sea Sea of Galilee Mt 14:22-33; Mr 6:45-52; Joh 6:15-21
Syrophœnician daughter healed Coasts of Tyre and SidonMt 15:21-28; Mr 7:24-30
Deaf and mute man healed Decapolis Mr 7:31-37
Four thousand fedDecapolis Mt 15:32-39; Mr 8:1-9
Blind man restored to sight Bethsaida Mr 8:22-26
Demoniac and lunatic boy healed Near Cæsarea Philippi Mt 17:14-21; Mr 9:14-29; Lu 9:37-43
Miraculous provision of tribute CapernaumMt 17:24-27
The eyes of one born blind opened JerusalemJoh 9:1-41
Woman, of eighteen years’ infirmity, cured[Perea]Lu 13:10-17
Man with dropsy healed[Perea]Lu 14:1-6
Ten lepers cleansedBorders of SamariaLu 17:11-19
Lazarus raised to lifeBethanyJoh 11:1-46
Two blind beggars restored to sightJerichoMt 20:29-34; Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-43
Barren fig tree blightedBethanyMt 21:12-13,18-19
Buyers and sellers again cast outJerusalem Lu 19:45-46
Malchus’ ear healedGethsemaneMt 26:51-54; Mr 14:47-49; Lu 22:50-51
Second draught of fishesSea of Galilee Joh 21:1-14


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