"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Jeremiah 6:16)

Various Protestant Theologians Speaking Against Heliocentrism

“…the firmament, by its own revolution, draws with it all the fixed stars…”

— John Calvin (1509-1564), commentary on Psalm 19:3

“Those who assert that the earth moves and turns…[are] motivated by a spirit of bitterness, contradiction, and faultfinding; possessed by the devil, they aimed to pervert the order of nature.”

— John Calvin (1509-1564), sermon on 1 Corinthians

“There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must needs invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.”

— Martin Luther (1483-1546), Table Talk

“But some dare say, either because of the love of novelties or in order to appear ingenious, that the earth moves, and contend that neither the eight sphere nor the sun moves while they assign other movement to the celestial spheres and place the earth among the stars. The joke is not new. There is a book by Archimedes called De Numeratione Arenae, in which he reports that Aristarchus of Samos defended this paradox, that the sun remains fixed and the earth turns around the sun. And although clever workers investigate many questions to give expression to their ingenuity, the young should know that it is not good to defend such absurd opinions publicly, nor is it honest or a good example.”

“The eyes are witnesses that the heavens revolve in the space of twenty-four hours. But certain men, either from the love of novelty, or to make a display of ingenuity, have concluded that the earth moves; and they maintain that neither the [stars] nor the sun revolves…Now, it is a want of honesty and decency to assert such notions publicly, and the example is pernicious. It is the part of a good mind to accept the truth as revealed by God and to acquiesce in it.”

— Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560), Elements of Physics

“The stability of the earth is very useful to plants, beasts, and men, that abide thereon. The damages and mischiefs that fall out upon earthquakes give further proof hereof. It is a gross error of Aristarchus, Samius, Copernicus, and other philosophers, who imagine that the earth continually moveth, and that the heaven and the host thereof do but seem to our sight to move, as the banks and trees thereon do to such as are in a boat rowed with oars, or in a ship under sail. This conceit cannot stand with the metaphor of a foundation, here and in other places applied to the earth.”

— William Gouge (1575–1653), commentary on Hebrews, published by James Nichol, Edinburgh, volume I, page 73

“The sun and the moon stood still in their habitation – they stood still in their several spheres wherein they move, for these be their habitations, and note that they both stood still, sun and moon. For the moon borrowing all her light of the sun, had she kept her course while the sun had stool still the length of a day, there had been great irregularity of motion in these celestial bodies, from the constant order set them by their Maker in their creation.

Observe also, he does not say the earth stood still, but the sun: it had been, as some said, the earth and moon stood still as the sun and moon, and our understanding would have soon apprehended, if that new astronomy had been then revealed, which some of our empericks, and journeymen in that excellent science of astronomy have late revived in their almanacs, telling the world that they have long been in a wrong belief, that the sun moves and the earth is fixed, for they believe that the sun is fixed, and the earth is moved.

And to evade the clear evidence of the text, which tells it for a wonder that the sun stood still, they say, this is spoken to our capacity, because to our sight it so seems, that the sun moves and the earth is fixed, but indeed it is otherwise.

Our capacity I think has much wrong done in this, for if the Word of God had told us that God had created the sun to stand still, and the earth to move, it is more likely that we should have taken his word for it, and have believed it as it is, as well as we now believe it, as it appears.

We are neither incapable nor incredulous, but that many against the letter of Scripture have written, and made more believe, that the sun stands still from the creation.

The common defence of this opinion grounded on God’s application of himself, to human capacity, does make figures in a story where is no need, and makes David a man of small judgement in the knowledge of the sun, who says, that God ‘hath set a tabernacle for the sun in the heavens’ (called here) a habitation, ‘which is a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth, as a strong man, to run his race.’”

— Edward Marbury (1581-1655), Commentary on the Prophecy of Habbakuk

4 thoughts on “”

  1. Very refreshing perspectives. I have a friend in my church who’s a flat earther. I don’t scoff at his views, but neither am I fully persuaded. Are you of like mind?

    P.S. Love the Einstein bashing!

    • I’m not a flat earther. I looked into that a few years ago, and it’s not unreasonable because we typically don’t experience or observe any curvature, but there are some basic phenomena that can’t be explained by the flat earth model.

      Einstein was a fraud. I added a few more quotes to that article today that I found in a book called Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist.

      Here’s an excerpt from the book that I haven’t posted anywhere yet:

      “Contrary to popular myth, Einstein did not usher in the atomic age, in fact, he found the idea of atomic energy to be silly. Nor was Einstein the first to state the mass-energy equivalence, or E =mc2. Myths such as Einstein’s supposed discoveries are not uncommon. Newton did not discover gravity, nor did he offer a viable explanation for it, nor did he believe that matter attracted other matter. Consider that few in his time knew that President Roosevelt was severely handicapped, being limited to a wheel chair, and the press cooperated in keeping Roosevelt’s disability a secret. Is it difficult to believe that this same press presented Albert Einstein as a super-hero of science, when he was, in fact, less than that, perhaps much less? It was a good story for them to sell. Einstein rarely gave filmed interviews, but when he did, he came across as something considerably less than a ‘‘genius.”

      It appears that the physics community and the media invented a comic book figure, “Einstein”, with E=mc2 stenciled across his chest. The media and educational institutions portray this surreal and farcical image as a benevolent god to watch over us. Some modern portraits depict the man with a godly glow and all the other visual cues inspiring reverence, which paintings of Jesus have long exploited. Physics, as an institution, fostered the myth, and countless people in all walks of life have since molded themselves in the comic book image of “Einstein”, replete with the Flammarion hairdo and the Twainesque mustachio. “More Einsteinish than he,” they pretend to the great “Einstein’s” supposed supernatural powers, and imitate his comic book persona.

      To question “Einstein”, the god, either “his” theories, or the priority of the thoughts he repeated, has become the sin of heresy. “His” writings are synonymous with truth, the undecipherable truth of a god hung on the wall as a symbol of ultimate truth, which truth is elusive to mortal man — no one is to understand or to question the arcana of “Einstein”, but must let the shepherd lead his flock, without objection. Do not bother the believers with the facts!”

      — Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist (2002), pp. 161-162

      • Here’s a few more showing how Einstein was at the forefront of the Kalergi Plan:

        “The Brussels anti-colonialism congress was the first organized blow against Europe of world-political magnitude. … When the various folks of the globe under Jewish-communist leadership in one of Europe’s capital cities declare war against the white race, then our position to this new weapon of the 3rd International can only be rejection. All the more so as Professor Einstein and Lessing-Lazarus are brazen enough to expressly declare this White race the world’s only enemy.” p. 11.

        Alfred Rosenberg, ‘Blood and Honor’, Vol. 4

        “Einstein, under the pretense of “Social Service” instituted his “Internationale Arbeiterhilfe”. This huge propaganda apparatus, built on Marxian principles, naturally had exclusive Jewish leadership.” pp. 139-40.

        Ernest Elmhurst, ‘The World Hoax’ (1938)

      • Those are good ones. Thank you, Ron.

        When Rosenberg refers to “Lessing-Lazarus” he means Theodor Lessing. the appendage “-Lazarus” refers to a Jew using a German name.

        And the Brussels anticoloniaism conference he spoke of took place in February 1927. It was organized by German communists.

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